There has been a great deal of discussion in academia about creating equitable, accessible, and affordable access to higher education.  It is apparent that this is an important goal for most educators, but it is also beneficial to consider the role of the college in determining the future. Selingo (2013) outlined the qualities that would ensure future collegiate success.  Franklin & Marshall is such an institution; the very tenet and appeal for the school is individualization, collaboration through community, rigorous study, and creating an atmosphere that encourages student success whether that is in the workforce, graduate schools, or programs and outreach.  Franklin & Marshall’s administrators understand the duality of student expectations in the twenty-first century.  While traditional learning is still instrumental, current students seek to employ their lessons learned in practical application.

When looking through Franklin & Marshall’s website, it is easy to determine that this is an environment that is student-centric and diverse.  There are a number of examples with former students giving back to the collegiate community. This demonstrates that the typical greaduate from this school still retains some form of pride and excellence from the school.

Currently, Franklin & Marshall and outlined the five priorities for the school: “Recruit extraordinary student talent; Enhance teaching and learning traditions; Fuel knowledge, discovery, and artistic creation; Support learning during and after college; and Grow our resources and engage our partners” (Strategic Priorities, n.d.). I chose this college for the simple fact that I agree with the five steps fully. Universities need to prepare students for the future, but allowing fundamental critical thinking and learning skills to fall by the wayside is dangerous and negates the point of higher education. Franklin & Marshall have entertained the concept of practical knowledge with critical knowledge.  Many community colleges already implement programs that facilitate this dual role of higher education.  In order to implement this ideology, more college and university administrators must assess the demands from the students and local business marketplace.

Strategic priorities. (N.d.). Franklin & Marshall College. Retrieved from https://www.fandm.edu/about/strategic-priorities


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Serena,

    I enjoyed reading your post and the awesome strategies provided. Technology has expanded the reach of higher education through online courses and global connections. It has allowed non-traditional and traditional students with the opportunity to gain an education and their own pace and at a lower cost than traditional, face-to-face courses. I believe it is an awesome idea to implement various roles in order to help students gain an education at their own pace and cost efficient.

    After further researching Franklin & Marshall’s mission and vision, it is clear that the focus is student centered. I love how they focus on recruiting talented individuals by increasing financial aid and expanded their outreach to excellent independent, public and parochial schools nationwide (Franklin & Marshall College, 2018). They have implemented innovative ideas to recruit and retain their students. I enjoy when students have a sense of pride in their university by coming back as a faculty or staff member and servicing the community surrounding the university.

    Great post!

    Franklin & Marshall College. (2018). Strategic priorities. Retrieved from https://www.fandm.edu/about/strategic-priorities

  3. Serena,
    Upon reading your post, I became interiqued with Franklin & Marshall's prescription for success. Utilizing critical thinking skills is essential in today's workforce. Fallon (2014) states that utilizing critical thinking skills in today's workplace saves hasty business decisions where you have to back track and fix avoidable mistakes. Franklin & Marshall prepares their students in an innovative way. Their five steps guides their future in an extraordinary way. Great post.
    Carla Parker

    Fallon, N. (2014) Is your team missing this important business skill? Business News Daily. Retrieved from https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/7532-critical-thinking-in-business.html

  4. Franklin & Marshall College (2016a) provided actions steps, which distinguishes the college toward reaching one of the goals that stated, “the College will develop new structures to promote reflective and cross-disciplinary curricular study” (para. 1). The ability to replicate the students’ as the primary contributors to the learning experience can occur by the accrediting bodies developing a rubric by which students can measure progress during innovative practices and research (Bischel, 2013). Another way to scale student-made majors is to update teaching standards as an expert guide through the learning experience. The standards will communicate the professor’s guidance role, which includes such avenues as the number of times a teacher meets with the student, along with how often the use of rubric measurements are in place to ensure student progress.
    Bischel, J. (2013, June). The state of e-learning in higher education: An eye toward growth and increased access. Retrieved from https://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ers1304/ ERS1304.pdf
    Franklin & Marshall College. (2016a). Priorities: Action steps. Retrieved from http://www.fandm.edu/about/strategic-priorities/enhance-our-teaching-and-learning-tradition/action-steps

    Dr. G

  5. Greetings,

    It is well intended for most colleges to create an atmosphere of trust to give back to the community. The idea that Franklin & Marshall College encourages student success preparing their students for this is superb. Further, to create a student-center environment demonstrates the quality this university puts forth to give back to not only their students, but their community at large.


  6. You outlined Franklin & Marshall’s five priorities for the school, and “Recruit extraordinary student talent,” is one of them. I think colleges and universities focused too much on finding “star” high school students, and funding their goals. For example, student athletes get many benefits, while other students have to fight for grants and other tuition benefits. Also, from experience, I know that colleges spend a lot of money trying to recruit these type of students and enroll them into their college programs.


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